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Note: there seems to be an issue with banners hosted on non https site. Pretty sure this is a browser issue and depends on the browser or settings. Some browsers will not load assets that are not https. To remedy this ensure to host the banner on a https site. We will be adding an upload function shortly to solve this.

Classic Ultima
Logon server: Classic-Ultima.uk.to Port 2593
T2A Classic shard with a active PVE, PVM and PVP environment, there is nothing over powered or over kill with a player friendly atmosphere. It is the crafter who rules with new craftable items with new ores, woods and leathers with over 500 new monsters with some great new mounts and items .We also feature a great new player package,with many new added features,inc 3 true GM skills when start and auto account system. you can GM all Skills with a stat cap of 400 with a young player town to help you train. We are looking for good friendly players who just enjoy Classic Ultima.

Shard Website: http://classicultima.webs.com/
Uptime: 0%

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Network Stats

Player Stats

Stats last updated 1126 seconds(s) ago using 345 data samples.

Graphs based on last 24 hours. Other stats based on last 30 days and update every 5 minutes.
Average response time is time it takes to connect and get info and is tested from Quebec, Canada.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.