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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Deutscher Fun shard ohne Zwangs-RP; vollkommen neue Welt (map, multis, dungeons - alles!); zahlreichen Klassen wie Hexer, 4 Magierklassen...jede Klasse hat ihre eigenen Specials; insta account Erstellung; neue Monster KI; nette community; erfahrener staff; attended macroing; PK usw. usf. ...
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
UO Traditions (where the tradition lives on)
Traditional UO that's Always fresh. New adventures content weekly. Staff that listen Player ideas addressed No donations accepted Nothing sold for real money Welcoming 1200 Skill Gate 100s of Quests 1,000s of customs Give us a look maybe find a home
Cur: 3
Avg: 3
Max: 7
Cur: 278ms
Avg: 344ms
Up: 100%
UO Traditions (where the tradition lives on)
Why Wolvesbane? A fresh feel to a classic game. Growing community of helpful and dedicated players. No skill caps and 1k stat cap. Evo weapons and pets (including Mercs) New players get the choice of 3 skills @ 120, 7 skills @ 100 or all skills 45 to start the game. We offer customs of all sorts ore/wood/hide/tamable/bosses and much more. We are still the new kids on the block but don't let that deter you. We have new player dungeon for younger folks to get started and geared up and community events to keep things interesting. We have a staff ready to get and keep the ball rolling. So why not give us a shot scared you might like it?
Cur: 10
Avg: 7
Max: 16
Cur: 77ms
Avg: 115ms
Up: 99.89%
UO Welcome Home
UO Welcome Home is currently in testing. Auto Account is NOW ON!, We are seeking a few testers to join and test new content. We use the normal set of maps, but revamped! So its a familiar but different experience. For those who like to read more, before jumping into discord, You can find our newsletter here: https://middleearthchronicles.wordpress.com/uo-welcome-home/ or you can click the links below to join discord. Our discord is more than just a chat room.. We have forums loaded with information about all the new stuff going down on the server! We are beyond any wipes, so jump in now and help us build a better place to play!
Cur: 2
Avg: 4
Max: 11
Cur: 60ms
Avg: 65ms
Up: 99.38%
UO Welcome Home
Quests and Legends
Friendly Staff and Players. Custom Content Constantly Added. Levelable Weapons, Spellbooks, Shields etc. Unique Automated Quests, Systems and Events, like Daily Quest Rankings, Spellcrafting, Newbie Champ and Triple Champ Spawn. 450 Stat cap, No skill cap, 6/8 FC-FCR, Cast on the Move! Training Rooms. Great Quality of Life changes like item containers. Start with 10x100 skills, 220 stat ball, a squire, a travel atlas and more.
Cur: 18
Avg: 18
Max: 18
Up: 0%  
Quests and Legends
Ye Olde Sphere
A Renaissance era shard using the modern X branch of Sphereserver. Emulating accurate era mechanics with core Sphere features. A proven development history and clear path forward, join us and take part in our small but able community.
Cur: 40
Avg: 38
Max: 115
Cur: 67ms
Avg: 91ms
Up: 95.67%
Ye Olde Sphere
UO Succession
THE ULTIMATE OLD SCHOOL, UNIQUE, AND FUN SERVER! Start with 900/300 skill/stat.//Trammel with Felucca rule set.//Took advantage of all dungeons, and they have new entrances in Trammel and Ter Mur.//Classic weapons plus some newer named weapons.//Classic armor plus some newer named armor.//Classic UO play with custom content.//Classic crafting system with additional new MASTER CRAFTER system. Craft Power Scrolls, Armor, Weapons, and more UNIQUE CRAFTABLES.// Classic ridables with additional ridables.//Classic tamables with additional tamables.//Classic Bosses with additional Bosses.//New Faction system with Game of Thrones. Alliance(human) vs. Horde(non-human). Attack the enemies castle and take the throne. On going battle to control the throne.//Poison your arrows with your poisoner.//Unique Bounty system.// Automated Capture the Flag.//Passageway to Fire & Ice Island.
Cur: 1
Avg: 2
Max: 4
Cur: 117ms
Avg: 154ms
Up: 99.84%
UO Succession
Dawn of Ages: Reborn
Dawn of Ages Reborn is a free ultima online shard that offers a rich and immersive experience for players of all kinds. Whether you enjoy exploring the vast lands of Britannia, engaging in epic battles with other players or monsters, participating in various events and quests, or crafting and trading with your fellow adventurers, Dawn of Ages Reborn has something for you. We have the High Seas Expansion. Gargoyles, Termur and Eodon are active.
Cur: 12
Avg: 8
Max: 18
Cur: 113ms
Avg: 129ms
Up: 99.78%
Dawn of Ages: Reborn
Neverlands Phoenix
Neverlands Phoenix has been open here for a 5 years. This shard offers players a chance to experience many unique challenges. It gives players the choice to adventure in the style that they like the best. For the merchant, there are currently 14 unique logs and 39 unique ores to craft with. There are also many unique crafting options(with a special crafting fame feature coming soon) and a special merchant quest feature where players craft objects to complete quests. For the PVM players, there are currently more than 20 places to find monsters of all strengths and levels and rewards. Also, some monsters can drop semi-rares and items needed for quests. Also there are treasure hunts which can provide special rares that are found in the treasure chests. For the PVP players, Neverlands Phoenix offers something for everyone. We have pvping for tamers, mages, and warriors. Each of those has a unique feature involved, whether it is with the magic ores or something else.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Neverlands Phoenix
The Forbidden Lands UO
[PvP-PvM-PvE][StatCap-550][No-Skill-Cap][Start-With-100-Each-Skill][Full-Starters-Gift Box][4FC-8FCR][Custom-Dungeons][Custom-Items][Custom-Tamables][Custom Deco][Custom-Stealables][Dedicated-Staff-Team][Dedicated-USA-Server][Friendly-Players-Great-Community][Fast-Skill-Gains][21 Evo Pets][Spell Crafting][No Town Guards In Felucca][Buffed Loot][Hue Room][Training Room][2 Accounts Per IP][4 Houses Per Account][Buffed Doom Gauntlet][Custom Buffed Blackthorns Dungeon][Farmable Donation Scrolls][Diamond Coin][Reward Scrolls][Town Houses][Town Invasion] [Buyable Power Scrolls From +5 To +50] [Island Houses][Public Champion Area][Underwater Sea Dungeon][Alien Ship Dungeon][Custom Quests][Casino & Slots] [In-Game Time Currency Crypto Coin][STR 1500-DEX-250-INT-1500]
Cur: 7
Avg: 13
Max: 27
Cur: 60ms
Avg: 79ms
Up: 99.38%
The Forbidden Lands UO
(Pages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Last] )

(There is a total of 190 listed shards out of 1372)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.