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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Ultima Online Server "Kingdom Reborn": Stygian Abyss & High Seas
Cur: 64
Avg: 38
Max: 115
Cur: 480ms
Avg: 332ms
Up: 99.98%
Sylvan Heart
Experience Sylvan Heart! Be anything on a family-friendly shard with dedicated staff and a beautiful RP encouraging atmosphere where pvm flourishes and pvp lurks waiting for those daring to try their might! 1200 skill cap, 450 stat cap, macro 24/7, abundance of custom creatures, commands, items, events, quest, and more!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 3
Cur: 224ms
Avg: 170ms
Up: 99.87%
Sylvan Heart
UO Traditions (where the tradition lives on)
Traditional UO that's Always fresh. New adventures content weekly. Staff that listen Player ideas addressed No donations accepted Nothing sold for real money Welcoming 1200 Skill Gate 100s of Quests 1,000s of customs Give us a look maybe find a home
Cur: 6
Avg: 4
Max: 11
Cur: 323ms
Avg: 414ms
Up: 99.87%
UO Traditions (where the tradition lives on)
«Inceptum» — The game? No. The Real World.
700 Skillcap, 225 Statcap (720\260). Endless Journey. OSI Publish 100+. Over 900 achievements. 2D Classic Client 7.0.90+, 3D Enhanced Client 4.0.90+. Our server runs on powerful dedicated hardware (Xeon E5-2650v4 12 Cores, 20GB DDR4 ECC, SSD RAID, 1GB/s): Uptime over 99%. Shard mode: PVP-oriented (no Trammel ruleset) OSI-style with some minor custom modifications, active PVE and PVM, RP encouraged but not obligatory. Automatic events. A lot of players from different countries. International and multilingual. Custom RunUO with more than 2100+ updates and bug fixes for the last 10+ years.██░░░█░░░░░ SINCE 2010 ░░░░░█░░░██
Cur: 68
Avg: 61
Max: 98
Cur: 187ms
Avg: 200ms
Up: 100%
«Inceptum» — The game? No. The Real World.
Strange Earth UO
Hey, fellow Ultima Online players! Have you been searching for a new and exciting custom shard to explore? Look no further than Strange-Earth! Our team of dedicated developers has been hard at work creating a unique and immersive UO experience. Our teams passion for creating a nostalgic UO shard but with modern day creature comforts has been in the makings since 2020. I am honored to announce that this shard is now open to the public as a Beta. Beta? An early version that contains most of the major features, but not all of the milestones are completed.
Cur: 3
Avg: 3
Max: 8
Cur: 296ms
Avg: 241ms
Up: 99.73%
Strange Earth UO
play using: uoquest.com port 2593 Custom EJ era, Fully Compatible with MobileUO(See details on our website) Over 250 Random Deco addons drops everywhere Connect using uoquest.com port:2593 2 Accounts per IP 24x24 and 32x32 houses available on House Placement Tool Unlimited Skill Cap, 350 Stat Cap Quick Start every first character gets Skill and Stat Ball Say 5 Custom Ores 5 Custom Woods 7 Custom Leathers All based on 120 skill cap. See website for full list of features.
Cur: 0
Avg: 2
Max: 4
Cur: 31ms
Avg: 22ms
Up: 99.46%
Whispering Pines
Fun, family oriented PVM shard. Friendly and professional staff. Customs include items, monsters, quests and towns, with more being added all the time. Easy start professions remove much of the training drudgery. No skillcap, 365 statcap (with scrolls).
Cur: 3
Avg: 2
Max: 6
Cur: 244ms
Avg: 269ms
Up: 99.73%
Whispering Pines
Vetus Mundus
Online since 2004, instant account creation, OSI-map fully spawned including Stygian Abyss and High Seas, Multi-shard (PvP on Felucca, PvM, designated RP areas), biggest German shard, English speakers welcome, skillcap 800/900, statcap 225/250, PvP castle siege system, more than 200 quest NPCs. Friendly community and experienced, professional staff.
Cur: 8
Avg: 4
Max: 13
Cur: 677ms
Avg: 206ms
Up: 100%
Vetus Mundus
UO Evolution [ML/SE/SA/UW] USA shard with the most custom content anywhere! Online Since 2010 - No skill caps, 350 Stat Cap, Fast gains, New Champs, Hundreds of custom monsters/Items, 150+Quests, Custom crafting, New Spell system, Animal Breeding, Bioengineering, Evo Dragons, Mature/Experienced Staff, Friendly Community, All Facets fully spawned with OSI and custom content including Ter Mur, Underworld, and Stygian Abyss
Cur: 522
Avg: 446
Max: 530
Cur: 64ms
Avg: 73ms
Up: 99.87%
Why Wolvesbane? A fresh feel to a classic game. Growing community of helpful and dedicated players. No skill caps and 1k stat cap. Evo weapons and pets (including Mercs) New players get the choice of 3 skills @ 120, 7 skills @ 100 or all skills 45 to start the game. We offer customs of all sorts ore/wood/hide/tamable/bosses and much more. We are still the new kids on the block but don't let that deter you. We have new player dungeon for younger folks to get started and geared up and community events to keep things interesting. We have a staff ready to get and keep the ball rolling. So why not give us a shot scared you might like it?
Cur: 10
Avg: 8
Max: 20
Cur: 229ms
Avg: 132ms
Up: 99.91%
(Pages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Last] )

(There is a total of 194 listed shards out of 1392)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.