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UOX3 Test Shard
Public test shard for UOX3 - Ultima Offline eXperiment 3 |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Cur: 1890ms Avg: 661ms Up: 100% |
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Vetus Mundus
Online since 2004, instant account creation, OSI-map fully spawned including Stygian Abyss and High Seas, Multi-shard (PvP on Felucca, PvM, designated RP areas), biggest German shard, English speakers welcome, skillcap 800/900, statcap 225/250, PvP castle siege system, more than 200 quest NPCs. Friendly community and experienced, professional staff. |
Cur: 8 Avg: 4 Max: 13 | Cur: 185ms Avg: 206ms Up: 100% |
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Vortia UO
Vortia UO is a finely crafted Ultima Online Renaissance shard built by veteran players passionate about both PvM and PvP. Our team focuses on creating a balanced, fair environment where staff remain non-participants. Explore an immersive world with endless opportunities for adventure and growth, a refined risk vs. reward system, and a dynamic player-driven economy. Engage in thrilling PvP battles or tackle challenging PvM encounters filled with surprises. Shape, conquer, and thrive in Vortia UO—rediscover the magic of Ultima Online, reimagined. |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Up: 0% |
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Wakened Online
A Stygian Abyss era shard with active development, powerful dedicated servers, and regional routing to help improve game play for all. |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Up: 0% |
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Non-PvP RPG-Shard mit neuer detaillreicher Map, vielen Dungeons, im Spiel integrierter Geschichte und netter Community |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Up: 0% |
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Die Wendelwelt ist ein deutschsprachiger Shard mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Rollenspiel. PVP, große Featureliste, Profichars und vieles mehr. Profichars können unwiderruflich sterben, sind aber stärker als normale Spieler. Mit der Meisterlaute kann der Barde eigene Lieder komponieren und der Drachenflug ermöglicht die Reise zu entlegenen Orten auf dem Rücken eines Drachens. Das Klassensystem verhindert Magier-Paladin-Nekro-Ritter-Barden. Es gibt Punkte für gutes Rollenspiel. Das Skillscap beträgt 1000. Brieftauben dienen der Kommunikation über weite Strecken und wer einen Wilden spielen möchte, erhält besonderen Schmuck, statt eine schwere Rüstung. Zelte vergammeln und Tiere schlafen nachts. Es empfiehlt sich die gelegentliche Wäsche und man sollte essen und trinken. In Betten kann man schlafen, alle Häuser sind Unikate. Man kann besondere Wölfe und einzigartige Pferde züchten. Die Nächte sind sehr gefährlich. Interesse geweckt? |
Cur: 1 Avg: 1 Max: 3 | Cur: 472ms Avg: 498ms Up: 99.8% |
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Whispering Pines
Fun, family oriented PVM shard. Friendly and professional staff. Customs include items, monsters, quests and towns, with more being added all the time. Easy start professions remove much of the training drudgery. No skillcap, 365 statcap (with scrolls). |
Cur: 3 Avg: 2 Max: 6 | Cur: 303ms Avg: 269ms Up: 99.73% |
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White Tiger
We are White Tiger.Come play with us.We have PVM & PVP in Felucca.There is 2 accounts per IP & 2 houses per accounts. We do family accounts also.
Here are some of the specifications we have
No Skill Cap & Stat Cap is 450
Evo Pets 6 KP's & 16 EP's
Evo Armor & Weapons For Humans & Gargoyles
Bio Pets & Rainbow Mounts
Power Scrolls to 150 & Crafting Scrolls to 150
We have 192 Mobs & 121 Tamables & 168 Quest
We have lots of Deco so you can make your UO house one of a kind
Log In:whitetigersrus.com Port2593 |
Cur: 3 Avg: 4 Max: 11 | Cur: 53ms Avg: 71ms Up: 98.92% |
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Why Wolvesbane? A fresh feel to a classic game. Growing community of helpful and dedicated players. No skill caps and 1k stat cap. Evo weapons and pets (including Mercs) New players get the choice of 3 skills @ 120, 7 skills @ 100 or all skills 45 to start the game. We offer customs of all sorts ore/wood/hide/tamable/bosses and much more. We are still the new kids on the block but don't let that deter you. We have new player dungeon for younger folks to get started and geared up and community events to keep things interesting. We have a staff ready to get and keep the ball rolling. So why not give us a shot scared you might like it? |
Cur: 7 Avg: 8 Max: 20 | Cur: 84ms Avg: 132ms Up: 99.91% |
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World of Sosaria
Age of Shadows server with Custom Systems |
Cur: 52 Avg: 84 Max: 164 | Cur: 375ms Avg: 259ms Up: 99.71% |
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