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Note: there seems to be an issue with banners hosted on non https site. Pretty sure this is a browser issue and depends on the browser or settings. Some browsers will not load assets that are not https. To remedy this ensure to host the banner on a https site. We will be adding an upload function shortly to solve this.

Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
+ Max Stats Cap 350 (Base) + Skill Cap 2500 (max 10000) + 3 Account = 1 IP + RP NPC, Mob, Skill + Bio Pet + Big world map (custom 80 dungeon+ ) + 10 School magery and guild system + 100 Quest + Balance economic and live world + New resource (15 ore, hide, wood) + New craft system + Cursed (Rare/Elite mob, Epic boss) full grab corpse! + Custom building house + Harvest and enchant system Update + Tranning Basement .....and more Stuff. Gift Novice
Cur: 14
Avg: 14
Max: 19
Cur: 318ms
Avg: 334ms
Up: 99.32%
UOItalia Reborn
Imagine a world stuck in pre rinascimental era, add magic (white AND black), add challenging dungeons to explore alone or with big raiding groups. Add city-states in conflit for ideological and religious reasons, always searching for a motivation to start a full scale war. All of this and much more is Uoitalia Reborn, the unofficial free to play multiplayer server based on Ultima Online.
Cur: 9
Avg: 14
Max: 27
Cur: 320ms
Avg: 326ms
Up: 99.89%
UOItalia Reborn
In Danger of Collapsing
A great little shard - good people and been up for over 5 years!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 433ms
Avg: 435ms
Up: 50.66%
In Danger of Collapsing
Ultima Alianza
Ultima Online emulado por Sphereserver, online desde 27-07-2001. Totalmente gratuito, sin micropagos, lucha contra feroces bestias, combate entre jugadores (PvP), alístate en un clan o crea el tuyo propio, adéntrate en las distintas facciones y lucha por la supremacía de tus ideales, participa en los torneos o simplemente dedícate al comercio o la doma de monturas. ¡Bienvenido!. Stats: 225, Skills: 800, Macreo: si
Cur: 9
Avg: 11
Max: 24
Cur: 456ms
Avg: 294ms
Up: 99.96%
Ultima Alianza
Cur: 8
Avg: 10
Max: 21
Cur: 495ms
Avg: 916ms
Up: 89.46%
Die Wendelwelt ist ein deutschsprachiger Shard mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Rollenspiel. PVP, große Featureliste, Profichars und vieles mehr. Profichars können unwiderruflich sterben, sind aber stärker als normale Spieler. Mit der Meisterlaute kann der Barde eigene Lieder komponieren und der Drachenflug ermöglicht die Reise zu entlegenen Orten auf dem Rücken eines Drachens. Das Klassensystem verhindert Magier-Paladin-Nekro-Ritter-Barden. Es gibt Punkte für gutes Rollenspiel. Das Skillscap beträgt 1000. Brieftauben dienen der Kommunikation über weite Strecken und wer einen Wilden spielen möchte, erhält besonderen Schmuck, statt eine schwere Rüstung. Zelte vergammeln und Tiere schlafen nachts. Es empfiehlt sich die gelegentliche Wäsche und man sollte essen und trinken. In Betten kann man schlafen, alle Häuser sind Unikate. Man kann besondere Wölfe und einzigartige Pferde züchten. Die Nächte sind sehr gefährlich. Interesse geweckt?
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 3
Cur: 509ms
Avg: 502ms
Up: 99.94%
Version: ServUo Publish 57.3 (The latest version in April 2024)Official game content. 720 skill cap, three stats 225Each person can log in with a maximum of 2 characters
Cur: 9
Avg: 7
Max: 21
Cur: 621ms
Avg: 719ms
Up: 98.67%
HellFire Shard
Free Shard brasileiro, criado em Outubro de 2001, com um dos conteúdos mais personalizados de todos! Sem limites de habilidades, 300 de status. Ganhos rápidos, novos campeões, centenas de monstros e itens personalizados, dezenas de missões, artesanato personalizado, casas urbanas, criação de animais, equipe madura e experiente, comunidade amigável, todas as facetas e expansões ativas, incluindo Ter Mur, Underworld, Stygian Abyss, High Seas e Time of Legends.
Cur: 54
Avg: 59
Max: 97
Cur: 1367ms
Avg: 491ms
Up: 99.99%
HellFire Shard
Full custom, fresh PvP shard and PVM, high abilities, various craftable weapons and armor, animal taming, and everyday events. Dedicated staff
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Exilio UO
En Exilio UO se mantiene la esencia de Ultima Online, que ha sido transportada a un mapa totalmente personalizado y de gran detalle visual como es la isla de Lorimar, en este mapa y gracias a su tamaño medio, siempre se vera vida, gente haciendo sus tareas u gestas, combates entre clanes y provincias, multitud de enigmas por completar y secretos por descubrir. Tu destino lo decides tu mismo, puedes ser un distinguido comerciante de Ulster, un humilde trabajador de Darnagal, un temido asesino de Sorrow o un domador legendario de Zanzibar, estas son solo algunas de las posibilidades que te ofrecemos, ¡Adentrate en Exilio UO!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Exilio UO
(Pages: [first] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [Last] )

(There is a total of 190 listed shards out of 1372)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.