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  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Paths Of Virtue
Paths of Virtue is an Ultima Online shard with an emphasis on immersion and role-playing. The shard is essentially a homage to the original Ultima single player games, particularly Ultimas IV and V, my favorite Ultimas as well as my favorite CRPGs. The shard eschews static quests and such in favor of trying to create a more open, persistent Ultima experience. LBR era. Custom map and client. 225 Stat Cap. 800 Skill Cap. Sill-based class system featuring the original eight Virtue Professions as well as a few lore-related professions.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Paths Of Virtue
Sanctum UO
Rebuilding from the ground up. WE are looking for staffers and players currently. New listing to reflect correct server uptime. Town Houses, Ample Resources to start, Guild Castles, Training Area, 450 stat cap, you can train all skills to 120, fast gains, No Uber items, Custom Quests, Items and Mobiles. Staff on almost all the time. Welcome to Sanctum UO.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Sanctum UO
UO Exploration
Unique take on UO, evolving the good old simplicity we love with modern game design. Free house on the first month of the shard ! Core: No skillcap, 350 stat cap. Easy gains except crafting Felucca only Champions, Bosses & Rares Evolutive content/history Combat: No pre-cast, cast line-of-sight Challenging PvM Open PvP AOS+ environment but without new skills (no necro, chiv, focus, mystic etc) No pets in PvP, QOL features, newbie friendly.
Cur: 152
Avg: 152
Max: 152
Up: 0%  
UO Exploration
* Server In Development * Zulu Hotel : Forgotten Realms is an Ultima Online server that uses the best of Pol100 along with traditional ZuluHotel systems.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
UO- X-Stream is a UO server hosted by players for players, its friendly, its new and adventurous and not to easy, but gains aren't mad, we strife to keep server up to date, and we have moded content and quests, normal skills cap and stat cap, but it can be upgraded, Macroing is allowed and we have new dungeons and plan for more. We hope to see you soon. https://discord.gg/E8En8pB (Classic and Enhanced client available)
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Quests and Legends
Friendly Staff and Players. Custom Content Constantly Added. Levelable Weapons, Spellbooks, Shields etc. Unique Automated Quests, Systems and Events, like Daily Quest Rankings, Spellcrafting, Newbie Champ and Triple Champ Spawn. 450 Stat cap, No skill cap, 6/8 FC-FCR, Cast on the Move! Training Rooms. Great Quality of Life changes like item containers. Start with 10x100 skills, 220 stat ball, a squire, a travel atlas and more.
Cur: 18
Avg: 18
Max: 18
Up: 0%  
Quests and Legends
Mundo Legendario
uomundolegendario.servegame.com 2593 Para poder colocar la ip, primero debe tener instalado el cliente mejorado (Enhanced Client). Link: https://uo.com/client-download/ Descarga el Launcher y coloca la IP: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiY8TMDswjb5iqBzjE5Vyluy8SV5RQ?e=YQt9q8 Descomprime y abre el EXE: UOECLauncher. Grupo Discord: https://discord.gg/NTHg39FSCM Condiciones: Cuentas Automaticas. + 3 cuenta por IP. + 1 Casa por Cuenta. + Los skills y Status se suben haciendo una accion (no se quema maderita) + No Razor. + No Cliente Clasico. + Mapas originales (Britannia)
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Mundo Legendario
UO:Origins / VanillaAOS
Welcome back to UO:Origins, a Pre-T2A UO Experience. All gameplay features are true to the Pre-T2A era: Pre-T2A Housing including Tents Pre-T2A Crafting System Lore-based Quests and Events Skill Atrophy Notoriety Reputation System (Dread Lord days) Virtue Guards (Order vs. Chaos) Bounty System Pre-T2A Combat and Magery Challenging Pre-T2A spawned Dungeons Professional staff to help both new and old players Getting started: IP: login.uoorigin.com OR Port: 2593 Discord: https://discord.gg/HznxWEv VanillaAOS -- Stood up a copy of Age of Shadows using ServUO Pub57. Server is out of the box, 3 Account limit No AFK Resource Gathering Getting started: IP: login.uoorigin.com OR Port: 2592 Discord: https://discord.gg/HznxWEv
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
UO:Origins / VanillaAOS
Alexandria EUO
***Hosted by EasyUO*** *FULL STYGIAN ABYSS* , 720 skill points after 4 month vet rewards , 150 individual stat cap , 255 stat points after scrolls , 40%lmc cap , 2/6 casting cap , 4/6 chivalry casting cap , 45 hci/dci cap , Chaos/Order combat system , IP:lexia.easyuo.com , PORT 2593
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Alexandria EUO
Shadow Age: Reborn
Custom Age of Shadows shard with full end game content! Pet Leveling System | Summoner System | Custom Art | Custom Monsters | & more.
Cur: 165
Avg: 165
Max: 165
Up: 0%  
Shadow Age: Reborn
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(There is a total of 190 listed shards out of 1372)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.