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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Nation of Domination
UO:R based shard ran entirely on a Raspberry Pi!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Nation of Domination
Neverlands Heritage
Neverlands Heritage is a POL based Ultima Online shard based on original Neverlands files with unique scripts and items. Active staffs and developers to improve the game and bring the shard to another level.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Neverlands Heritage
Neverlands Phoenix
Neverlands Phoenix has been open here for a 5 years. This shard offers players a chance to experience many unique challenges. It gives players the choice to adventure in the style that they like the best. For the merchant, there are currently 14 unique logs and 39 unique ores to craft with. There are also many unique crafting options(with a special crafting fame feature coming soon) and a special merchant quest feature where players craft objects to complete quests. For the PVM players, there are currently more than 20 places to find monsters of all strengths and levels and rewards. Also, some monsters can drop semi-rares and items needed for quests. Also there are treasure hunts which can provide special rares that are found in the treasure chests. For the PVP players, Neverlands Phoenix offers something for everyone. We have pvping for tamers, mages, and warriors. Each of those has a unique feature involved, whether it is with the magic ores or something else.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Neverlands Phoenix
Nothing UO - Pvp Shard
PvP Shard which is based on fun systems
Cur: 138
Avg: 138
Max: 138
Up: 0%  
Nothing UO - Pvp Shard
Oceania Classic
Visit http://login.oceaniaclassic.com/status for current live shard status.
Cur: 14
Avg: 14
Max: 14
Up: 0%  
Oceania Classic
Now on English! New world, items and classes. AMAZING!!!!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Paradise Found
Family shard since 2004. No PvP. No Skill Cap. 9 facets including Termur. Very friendly players and staff. Welcome to paradise. Client and higher.
Cur: 4
Avg: 4
Max: 4
Up: 0%  
Paradise Found
Paragon UO
Connect: uoparagon.dyndns.org Port 2594 Tame paragons, summon more powerful creatures with higher skill, even paragons! Opt-in PvP system, PvP Tournament system, automated staff, custom pet AIs, custom tames, earn store sovereigns by getting achievements or killing paragons, no need to donate!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Paragon UO
Paths Of Virtue
Paths of Virtue is an Ultima Online shard with an emphasis on immersion and role-playing. The shard is essentially a homage to the original Ultima single player games, particularly Ultimas IV and V, my favorite Ultimas as well as my favorite CRPGs. The shard eschews static quests and such in favor of trying to create a more open, persistent Ultima experience. LBR era. Custom map and client. 225 Stat Cap. 800 Skill Cap. Sill-based class system featuring the original eight Virtue Professions as well as a few lore-related professions.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Paths Of Virtue
Pestilent Ultima Online Age of Shadows
Pestilent UO transports players back to the Age of Shadows (AoS) era in Ultima Online--one of the most fast-paced, well balanced, and exciting times in the history of the game!. Our professional development team is dedicated to quality and longevity. Features include: //Dedicated server with Internap Managed Internet Route Optimizerâ„¢ technology //Familiar land masses which favor the most adventurous; Britannia(Felucca), Lost Lands(Felucca), Malas(Trammel) //Balanced, refined PvP mechanics //Authentic and professional OSI feel and casting speeds //Doom Gauntlet artifact acquisition options available in both facets //Enhanced faction system //Scheduled events & tournaments //Capture the Flag //Committed development team & server staff //...and much more!
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 1
Up: 0%  
Pestilent Ultima Online Age of Shadows
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(There is a total of 196 listed shards out of 1393)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.