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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Ultima Online Forever
Ultima Online Forever(UO:R) is made of balance and nostalgia. Hosted on a high speed dedicated server backed by active and committed staff. Constantly updated, weekly events, balanced economy, minimal grinding, faction pvp, many custom mobs and dungeons. Join us today and start your adventure!
Cur: 709
Avg: 657
Max: 948
Cur: 109ms
Avg: 132ms
Up: 99.73%
Ultima Online Forever
UO Eventine
UO Eventine is a PVM shard up to date with the TOL expansion. We have loads of custom content including quests, deco, artifacts, systems, mobs and bosses, and a custom facet with High level T Maps and Fishing with new artis! There is plenty of content for all play styles. With more being added regularly. Regular staff run events. No skill cap and you start with a base max stat cap of 300, 125 individual, with 350 max and 150 individual base obtainable. You get 2 house slots but can purchase more. The friendly staff here at UO Eventine are dedicated to making sure you enjoy your stay here. Why don't you pop in and check it out! There is a new player area to help you get started.
Cur: 64
Avg: 86
Max: 111
Cur: 41ms
Avg: 56ms
Up: 99.71%
UO Eventine
The Forbidden Lands UO
[PvP-PvM-PvE][StatCap-550][No-Skill-Cap][Start-With-100-Each-Skill][Full-Starters-Gift Box][4FC-8FCR][Custom-Dungeons][Custom-Items][Custom-Tamables][Custom Deco][Custom-Stealables][Dedicated-Staff-Team][Dedicated-USA-Server][Friendly-Players-Great-Community][Fast-Skill-Gains][21 Evo Pets][Spell Crafting][No Town Guards In Felucca][Buffed Loot][Hue Room][Training Room][2 Accounts Per IP][4 Houses Per Account][Buffed Doom Gauntlet][Custom Buffed Blackthorns Dungeon][Farmable Donation Scrolls][Diamond Coin][Reward Scrolls][Town Houses][Town Invasion] [Buyable Power Scrolls From +5 To +50] [Island Houses][Public Champion Area][Underwater Sea Dungeon][Alien Ship Dungeon][Custom Quests][Casino & Slots] [In-Game Time Currency Crypto Coin][STR 1500-DEX-250-INT-1500]
Cur: 10
Avg: 10
Max: 27
Cur: 60ms
Avg: 69ms
Up: 99.66%
The Forbidden Lands UO
Whispering Pines
Fun, family oriented PVM shard. Friendly and professional staff. Customs include items, monsters, quests and towns, with more being added all the time. Easy start professions remove much of the training drudgery. No skillcap, 365 statcap (with scrolls).
Cur: 0
Avg: 2
Max: 5
Cur: 252ms
Avg: 264ms
Up: 99.53%
Whispering Pines
Ultima Alianza
Ultima Online emulado por Sphereserver, online desde 27-07-2001. Totalmente gratuito, sin micropagos, lucha contra feroces bestias, combate entre jugadores (PvP), alístate en un clan o crea el tuyo propio, adéntrate en las distintas facciones y lucha por la supremacía de tus ideales, participa en los torneos o simplemente dedícate al comercio o la doma de monturas. ¡Bienvenido!. Stats: 225, Skills: 800, Macreo: si
Cur: 21
Avg: 16
Max: 30
Cur: 211ms
Avg: 305ms
Up: 99.52%
Ultima Alianza
Krozier's Castle
Lots have changed here at the Castle. Advanced archery new spell casting, storage things, small player vendor area, resources, the things that go along with the resources, things are growing and making it a better shard. there are many more things being added like quests, invasions and such. thank you all again for checking it out Krozier Discord link is here - Come join our community. https://discord.gg/8uDagfq
Cur: 6
Avg: 3
Max: 6
Cur: 74ms
Avg: 67ms
Up: 99.26%
Krozier's Castle
Legends of Sosaria
Hosted on a dedicated server! PVM. No skill cap. Earn daily rewards for logging in & for play time! Spell casters are viable with movement allowed while casting. Extended attribute caps. High end gear and weapons with lots of custom artifacts. Crafters are lucrative with our merchant coin system and custom bulk order rewards. Enhanced Client animations, tons of custom artwork. Custom Doom Gauntlet. Monthly custom seasonal events. We have a new player facet to help you get started. ClassicUO only, and you must use our custom client to play. Our Patch & Play will keep you up to date with patches and set you up with everything you need to play! Join our Discord channel to stay in touch with what happens in game with our Discord integration.
Cur: 16
Avg: 16
Max: 26
Cur: 75ms
Avg: 55ms
Up: 99.26%
Legends of Sosaria
UO ZombieLand
Hey ihr Hunters Untote haben die Macht über die Menschheit errungen. Kommt und helft uns..das dies nicht noch schlimmer wird. Es gibt kaum noch Reale Menschen... Aber passt auf... das ihr nicht zu einem Untoten werdet. UO ZombieLand ist ein Shard wo Craften und Jagen eine grosse Rolle spielt. Wir haben eigene Queste / Monster / Dungeons / ein neues Hausbau System und vieles mehr erschaffen. Kommt ins Spiel und lasst euch überraschen von UO ZOMBIELAND.
Cur: 4
Avg: 3
Max: 6
Cur: 435ms
Avg: 432ms
Up: 99.14%
UO ZombieLand
UO Succession
THE ULTIMATE OLD SCHOOL, UNIQUE, AND FUN SERVER! VERY FAST SKILL GAIN!!//Trammel with Felucca rule set.//Took advantage of all dungeons. New entrances in Trammel and Ter Mur.//POISON YOUR ARROWS with your poisoner.//UNIQUE BOUNTY SYSTEM. //Classic crafting system with additional new MASTER CRAFTER system. Craft Power Scrolls, Magic Armor & Weapons, and more UNIQUE CRAFTABLES.//NEW FACTION SYSTEM with Game of Thrones. Alliance(human) vs. Horde(non-human). Attack the enemies castle and take the throne. On going battle to control the throne.//COMBINE CUSTOM HOUSES. Houses set to staff placement, but there are rules to follow.//Passageway to Fire & Ice Island.//Classic UO play with custom content.//ALL THE CLASSICS PLUS CUSTOM FEATURES. Classic weapons, Classic armor, Classic ridables, Classic tamables, Classic Bosses// Automated Capture the Flag.//Passageway to Fire & Ice Island. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE.... UOSUCCESSION.COM
Cur: 3
Avg: 3
Max: 6
Cur: 114ms
Avg: 163ms
Up: 99.04%
UO Succession
Lost City
Step into the world of Ultima Online, where adventure awaits at every turn As one of the longest-running MMORPGs, Ultima Online offers a rich, immersive experience that has captivated players for decades.
Cur: 9
Avg: 7
Max: 13
Cur: 222ms
Avg: 252ms
Up: 98.97%
Lost City
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(There is a total of 196 listed shards out of 1393)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.