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Note: there seems to be an issue with banners hosted on non https site. Pretty sure this is a browser issue and depends on the browser or settings. Some browsers will not load assets that are not https. To remedy this ensure to host the banner on a https site. We will be adding an upload function shortly to solve this.

Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Dark Factions UO
Dark Factions UO is a Free Shard based on the UO:R Era with our own twist, We love all aspects of gameplay and encourage you to Treasure Hunt, Dungeon Crawl, Craft, Murder and Steal to your hearts content. Our Dark Factions Faction System includes all towns with the exception of Nujel'm and Cove and has been enhanced to provide players greater control over the towns. Join us now and start your new future, today!
Cur: 1
Avg: 2
Max: 5
Cur: 29ms
Avg: 33ms
Up: 100%
Dark Factions UO
Ye Olde Sphere
A Renaissance era shard using the modern X branch of Sphereserver. Emulating accurate era mechanics with core Sphere features. A proven development history and clear path forward, join us and take part in our small but able community.
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 4
Cur: 95ms
Avg: 61ms
Up: 85.14%
Ye Olde Sphere
Akara Essex
Custom Rp & pvp allowed. AOS era Characters are levelable, monsters level and have spirits when they die, Evolution Dragons created by our own Raelis. Weps armour and jewelry all Levels up and is configurable. Runics, custom woods ores leathers and so much more
Cur: 0
Avg: 2
Max: 8
Cur: 48ms
Avg: 67ms
Up: 68.6%
Akara Essex
Angel Island - UO:Renaissance
| Felucca Only | Smart NPCs | Townships | Kin Factions | Bounty System | Boating & Pirating | Balanced buyback system | Magic Equipment Crafting | Dragon Breeding | Plant System | Slayer & Summoner Templates | Player Run Tournaments | Player Run Quest | Champion Spawns
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 152ms
Avg: 158ms
Up: 98.61%
Angel Island - UO:Renaissance
Age of Shadows Server
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 5
Cur: 256ms
Avg: 259ms
Up: 91.37%
Europa Legends
Opening Soon Europa Legends Second Age Pre Publish 16, Test Server Online, Age Of Shadows TBA.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Cur: 155ms
Avg: 205ms
Up: 99.94%
Europa Legends
In Danger of Collapsing
A great little shard - good people and been up for over 5 years!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 4
Cur: 426ms
Avg: 435ms
Up: 98.23%
In Danger of Collapsing
Cur: 0
Avg: 3
Max: 13
Cur: 653ms
Avg: 868ms
Up: 96.67%
No Trammel || Open PvP || Crafted from Defiance [DFI] and AoS Longevity original code || Daily CTF + Pentagram. AWS Data Center Hosted || Hunter BODs || Hidden Bitcoin and cryptocurrency || No Trammel || 720 Skill Cap || Fast Start || No pay to win shop || Dev Team Based out of Chicago, USA.
Cur: 0
Avg: 1
Max: 3
Cur: 60ms
Avg: 70ms
Up: 99.91%
Servidor Patrocinado pelo TERRA GAMES. Lag Zero e sem VIPs. Estilo velho DMN. Skills facilitadas. Staff competente e honesta, nada de edits.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 279ms
Avg: 393ms
Up: 100%
(Pages: [first] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [Last] )

(There is a total of 196 listed shards out of 1393)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.