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Votes |
Shard Name |
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Quests and Legends
Friendly Staff and Players. Custom Content Constantly Added. Levelable Weapons, Spellbooks, Shields etc. Unique Automated Quests, Systems and Events, like Daily Quest Rankings, Spellcrafting, Newbie Champ and Triple Champ Spawn. 450 Stat cap, No skill cap, 6/8 FC-FCR, Cast on the Move! Training Rooms. Great Quality of Life changes like item containers. Start with 10x100 skills, 220 stat ball, a squire, a travel atlas and more. |
Cur: 18 Avg: 18 Max: 18 | Up: 0% |
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Quingis UO
OSI clone, Full Stygian Abyss, High Seas, Time of Legends. All maps including Tokuno, TerMur, Eodon. Imbuing, Runic Reforging, new BOD system (BOD reset, BOD cache, bribing etc.), City Loyalty, Clean Up rewards with some event/rare items (Conjurer's Trinket, Ranger's Cloak of Augmentation etc.), Skill Masteries, Vice vs Virtue (new faction system with faction arties), Doom Revamp, all Tokuno Arties, Blackthorn Dungeon, Shadowguard, Exodus Encounter, new pets of Pub 96, 1 month veteran, 2 days bond time. From Argalep, one of the most active developers on ServUO |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Up: 0% |
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Raven Moon Reborn is acustom shard. Here you can have 2 accounts and each account may have up to 3 houses. The skill cap is 8,500 or you can go to 120 in all skills with normal PS and use the rare PS's to take most up to 130. We have town houses some to rent or some to buy. And there is at least 20 custom made dungeons. With over 50 new custom bosses, 40 new pets, and just so much you will have see it. If you like after you log in say [tour and take a short tour of a few mobs (at this time its 9) See you there hope you enjoy it. |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Up: 0% |
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Family-friendly shard [ALL ERAS, no PK] with massive amounts of custom content, Commited staff, Exceptionally stable server - [No skill cap, multiple houses, staff and player events, new quests, 5 types of BODs, animal breeding, bioengineering, etc] |
Cur: 2 Avg: 2 Max: 2 | Up: 0% |
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Ring Of Life
A custom shard with a classic feel focused on long term play-ability, community, and survival. Customs include items, monsters, quests and towns, with more being added all the time |
Cur: 42 Avg: 42 Max: 42 | Up: 0% |
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Sanctum UO
Rebuilding from the ground up. WE are looking for staffers and players currently. New listing to reflect correct server uptime.
Town Houses, Ample Resources to start, Guild Castles, Training Area, 450 stat cap, you can train all skills to 120, fast gains, No Uber items, Custom Quests, Items and Mobiles. Staff on almost all the time. Welcome to Sanctum UO. |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Up: 0% |
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Second Age
Second Age is the most accurate emulation of the T2A era online today. A Perfect balance of PvM, PvP and RP. We have reproduced the 1999 OSI UO experience. Come join a Shard with Players and Staff unmatched in their dedication to the T2A era. No giveaways, professional staff. 400+ online. |
Cur: 37 Avg: 37 Max: 37 | Up: 0% |
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* Faster casting cap is 6/6
*300 stat cap
TOL Expansion
*Starter armor
*all skills 100(120 individual skill cap)
*Random items on mob/boss corpses have UPTO 15 stats. More luck/stats/intensity in Fel ( 10x better loot in Fel )
*PvP enabled in the following areas:
*PvM/PvE enabled in the following areas:
PvP point system.
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 0 | Up: 0% |
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1200.0 Skill cap to keep it fun and still have variety. 275/305 stat cap. Seasonal events, active GMs, GM events, Custom dungeons/gear/pets. OSI like.... Pet training ect. 3k luck in Fel ! |
Cur: 43 Avg: 43 Max: 43 | Up: 0% |
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Shadow Age: Reborn
Custom Age of Shadows shard with full end game content! Pet Leveling System | Summoner System | Custom Art | Custom Monsters | & more. |
Cur: 165 Avg: 165 Max: 165 | Up: 0% |
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(There is a total of 194 listed shards out of 1392) Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.
We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past. At some point we will set up a different service.
We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.